Nobody’s Banners and Marks

Ready to show your solidarity with Nobody for President? We have here a fine selection of banners, trailers, and other marks for you to use on your pages. Copy the banners over to your site, or link to them here. Nobody cares. Really.


Nobody mark Nobody framed mark

Perfect for that unoccupied corner of your home page that nobody needs.

Transparent Nobody:
<a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Nobody for President" /></a>
Framed Nobody:
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Nobody for President" /></a>


Your great granddaddy was John Hancock, wasn’t he? You want attention. You want to scream your support from the top of the world—or at least the top of your home page.

No problem.

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Your Vote Counts! Nobody for President" /></a>

Your Vote Counts-Framed

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Your Vote Counts! Nobody for President" /></a>

Your Vote Counts

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Nobody for President" /></a>

Nobody for President Framed Banner

Finally, my personal favorite, the Nobody for President Anti-Apathy Movement. And all ya gotta do to join is to link to it when it comes round on your home page.

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Nobody for President Anti-Apathy Movement" /></a>

Anti-Apathy Movement-Framed Banner

And finally, an animated gif: Nobody knows… Nobody cares… Nobody for President.

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Nobody Knows… Nobody Cares… Nobody for President" /></a>

Nobody Knows or Cares banner


Just because I call these trailers doesn’t mean you have to. They’re nice and unobtrusive up top as well. Nobody will notice, I promise!

Our first selection is for the enigmatic among you. Just the hat and the slogan, and nobody is nowhere mentioned. Sure to intrigue those few readers who still pay attention to all the causes of the day that appear on your page. Make sure it’s linked to one of Nobody’s sites, or nobody will know what you’re talking about!

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Your Vote Counts!" /></a>

Your Vote Counts trailer

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Nobody for President" /></a>

Nobody for President trailer