Level 5: Rooms

  1. Wandering Monsters
  2. Level 5

1) The doors from the stairs are both locked, and can be forced as level 4, room 6. In front of the secret door is a divan, rotted. There is a crystal statue laying on the floor in the NW corner—was once alive but ceased functioning many years ago.

2) Four beds here, a cabinet in center of west: tattered clothes, and a false bottom with a wand of fear (2 charges), 30 gp, 10 pp.

3) There is a de-animated rock statue on the floor.

4) Desks hold parchment, unreadable. The rooms connected to this room are:

a. Old food, unedible.

b. Guarded by 1 iron statue: AC2, HD4, hp 25, at2, D1-8/1-8+spurt, save F4, N, and a de-animated iron statue are: 5 plate mail (4 good), 10 chain mail (5 good), 20 leather (no good), 10 swords (5 good), 5 maces (3 good), 7 shields (all good), and 7 spears (2 good).

c. This is where people were put before cremation. At one time there was ventilation, but it has long since been blocked off. There are 3 wraiths in here: AC3, HD4, hp 20, 24, 26, at1, D1-6+1 level, save F4, C, magic weapon required. In the west ventilation shaft (1 foot from the entrance) is a scroll of wizard eye.

d. This was the cremation/funeral service room. Bodies were dropped into the volcano’s fires through the west trap door. The poles beside it are gold (1,000 gp each, fire/snake motif) and control the trap door. North, pulled east, opens it, and the south one closes it again. The room is blessed, so undead will not enter. Statues will also not.

e. In here are statues of gods (water-type) and rock church objects.

f. This room is guarded by 2 iron statues (the third is no longer animated): AC2, HD4, hp 30, 31, at2, D1-8/1-8+spurt, save F4, N. In here is magic and special weaponry: scimitar (jeweled—300 gp); gold helmet (100 gp); suit of armor, inlaid with runes; all on stand. Also on stands: plate mail +1; shield +2. Also a chest (poison needle in lock): sword +1 slay lawful good clerics, chaotic evil, intelligence 10, ego 8; sword +2, zombie battle-ax.

g. In here is money, guarded by 2 iron statues: AC2, HD4, hp 25, 26, at2, D1-8/1-8+spurt, save F4, N. Three chests: #1 has 500 gp, #2 has 200 sp, #3 has 100 pp. And a pile in the east of 3,000 cp and 1,000 ep.

5) Meeting room: Statue is of a Kopru, non-magical, non-gold, and 2 skeletons lay here also.

6) The bunks are wood, and in some places the top one has fallen through. In the first closet are some rotten clothes, hiding a dagger. In the second are many compartments, with metal razors, old papers, dried inkwells and pens, and a total of 10 sp and 25 cp. There is a rock statue, de-animated, in front of the south door.

7) The bunks are as room 6.

8) At one time, this was three rooms, but the wood walls have fallen in.

9) In here are 2 de-animated rock statues, and 2 living ones: AC4, HD5, hp 30, 28, at2, D2-12/2-12, save F5, C; and a smashed crystal statue. In the north desk (2 drawers, each has a poison tip in a lock) are more records. The south one is the same.

10) In here, to the north, is a glass case (now broken) with a bunch of gems inside: 2 red rubies (50 gp), 3 green emeralds (75 gp), and a purple amethyst (25 gp). There is also a diamond (1,500gp) but it will not be noticed because of the glass. On the east side of this is a statue of a Kopru, like room 8, p. 24.

11) The two statues are as above, same powers and make. The statues in the corners are crystal. The SW is still alive: AC4, HD4, hp 24, at2, D1-6/1-6, save F3, L.

12) Minor pantry: some old food. There is a container of hard-tack (dinosaur, still edible!) and utensils, cookware, etc.

13) Kitchen—under the stove is a hole to the volcano, and it is extremely hot.

14) This was the theater.

15) The prop-room: still some old costumes, fake weapons, armor.

16) Besides clothes in the closets, the east closet has 50 cp, 10 ep, and a broken sword; the west closet has 10 pp, 2 gp.

17) In the west desk is writing materials and 10 gp. In the east desk is 11 cp, writing materials, and an old book. In the non-secret closet is clothes, but beyond the secret door is a chest with 400 gp and 100 pp in it. It is on a 5 foot by 3 foot floating table.

18) Clothes in the closet.

19) This room is still empty.

20) Desk, closet: empty.

21) Empty, as room 19.

22) Empty, as room 19.

23) Empty, as room 19.

  1. Wandering Monsters
  2. Level 5