- Adding functions to padmath
- You can add functions to padmath by outputting them to the stream before running the pad.
- Easier ways and Harder ways
- POV-Ray includes some functions that make it easier for you to position objects without resorting to the trigonometric functions. Also, this relatively easy trigonometry using right triangles can be expanded to any triangle.
- POV is Trig
If you understand triangles and their functions, you can more easily determine where rotated objects end up. Use trigonometry to calculate lengths when you rotate objects in Persistence of Vision.
- Roll a ball down an incline at a constant speed
Roll a ball down at a constant speed. How high is it at any point?
- Roll a ball down an incline with acceleration
- Roll a ball down due to gravity. How far across has it gone at any height?
- Rotate a bar and determine its new endpoint
Rotate a bar up and how high is it? How far has the leftmost side moved to the right?
- A simple math pad in Perl
- I finally upgraded to Lion at the office; that means no more Mark Widholm MathPad. I got a simple replacement working using SilverService and Perl.
- Yet Another Pad Calculator
- YAPC is a very rough math pad, but it does work on Mac OS X 10.7.
More Information
- Review: The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Numbers
- “I hadn’t planned on reading this book all the way through. I brought it downstairs thinking it might be a useful book for browsing randomly next to the armchair. But it’s so interesting I’m already fifty pages in. This is a bathroom reader for fans of the movie π. Each entry is a short description of what makes that number interesting.”