Negative Space: Orwellian
- Network and The Running Man in 2025
One movie from the seventies and one from the eighties remain far more relevant than their contemporaries—and it’s the silliest that remains most relevant. We are living in Heinlein’s Crazy Years.
- Apple’s FiVe Minute Crush
Between 1984 and 2024, Apple’s advertising has gone from ridiculing 1984 to being 1984.
- Black is White
- Have we finally flipped the switch into full Orwell mode?
- Divisive double standards
It’s a hypocritical form of divisiveness, calling for togetherness and reason whenever your side commits a crime, and engaging in unreasoning partisanship when you can find some way to pin it on others.
- Fahrenheit 451
- A very good adaptation of Ray Bradbury’s science fiction novel of the same name. “Firemen” have evolved from people who put out fires to people who create them—in order to burn books. Fireman Montag begins to question this existence after a run-in with a young girl on a train.
- George Orwell’s incinerator
- Amazon shows by doing why digital restriction management on consumer items is a bad idea.
- How many fingers, America?
The Orwellianization of the left continues.
- Orwellian proposition 91
- When a bureaucracy makes rules about what constitutes a “for” or “against” argument, it’s inevitable that common sense will take a back seat to the rules
- Pluto is not a planet, and other respectable murders
If Pluto is not a planet, and tomatoes are not vegetables, then austerity can mean higher taxes and more spending.
- Walk toward the fire
Trump reassures crowd after assassination attempt fails.
More Information
- Nineteen Eighty-Four• (paperback)
George Orwell’s classic novel of a cog in the wheel of the thought police getting caught up in the machine. (George Orwell)