Climate priests cry wolf one more time?

There’s a wolf in the water! Run! (photo by Magnus Kjaergaard, CC-BY-3.0)
It’s getting a bit tedious comparing the occasional global warming article in Science News to the real science articles they run, but the contrast is often so wide it’s hard not to discuss them. In the April 30, 2016 issue there is an amazing juxtaposition between three articles: a nearly-literally fuzzy article about cute white bunny rabbits, a serious article about a potential discovery of a new white dwarf in astronomy, and what looks for all the world like an article from some apocalyptic prophet about how we will not see any sea level rise (unless we do, or unless we see a sea level drop) until about two and a half decades from now when it will SUDDENLY SHOOT UP AND DROWN US ALL UNLESS WE REPENT IMMEDIATELY!!!
I’m going to ignore the white fuzzies article. It’s just “aw, nature is mean & evolution is stupid”, although if you’re interested it does have a cute photo of a snowshoe hare. It doesn’t have bad science in it; it doesn’t have any science at all. Below it, on the left page, is Christopher Crockett’s Odd white dwarf offers peek at core. It’s about the discovery of what is potentially a smaller white dwarf than one would expect to find, with a much different atmosphere. And after describing the potential benefits to finding a low-mass white dwarf, the article ends with some serious caveats:
Dufour says the idea is plausible, but he’s skeptical. “It could work,” he says, “but I doubt it would leave a low-mass white dwarf.”
In 2007, Dufour and colleagues reported a similar strange sighting: several white dwarfs whose atmospheres were loaded with carbon instead of hydrogen and helium. Those also appeared to be missing mass, he says, though the problem was found to lie not with the stars but with the mass estimates. The white dwarfs are heavier than initially thought, and Dufour now suspects that each one arose from a collision between two white dwarfs.
It’s too early to draw strong conclusions from a single oxygen-laden white dwarf. “There are lots of open questions before we can say that this changes our view of white dwarf evolution,” Dufour says.
And that’s not even all of the contrariness in the very short article about the potentially surprisingly small white dwarf. There’s nothing like that in Thomas Sumner’s global warming article on the facing page. It, instead, ends with an apocalyptic warning about the “dire” consequences of ignoring the graph of rising sea level. But take a closer look at that graph, from a scientific standpoint. That is, the graph is a prediction. In science, we test theories from their predictions. That’s what science is: the study of theories that can be proven false if they are false. So when do we know that the theory behind this prediction is correct?

If rolling five-to-seven-year predictions have become too embarrassing, spread them out to twenty-year predictions. (Science News, April 30, 2016)
This graph shows no change until sudden rapid change in 2040. Before that, if I’m reading the graph correctly, sea level could drop, stay the same, or go up. The graph provides no means of knowing whether the theory is correct until after we’re supposed to have believed it and repented. Now, it could be that this apocalypse really is going to happen, despite rolling climate predictions failing so often in the past. But if so, this is the wrong graph for the article. It does not add to the science of the story, and this is, after all, Science News.
Somewhere in that theory is something that can be used as a measure of the theory’s accuracy. There has to be, or it isn’t science. That’s what should have been used in place of that graph.
This graph is little more than Harold Camping changing his end-of-the-world prediction from May 21, 2011, to October 21, 2011. Actually, it’s worse than Camping, because several days before his October date failed to bring the rapture, Camping “admitted to an interviewer that he did not know when the end would come” and later:
…“humbly acknowledged” that he had been mistaken, that his attempt to predict a date was “sinful,” and that his critics had been right… [and] he was searching the Bible “even more fervently… not to find dates, but to be more faithful in our understanding.”
If climate prophets were to acknowledge that they have failed to perform science, and try to be more faithful in their application of the scientific method, it would bring global warming out of religious apocalypticism and into something that can be trusted as actual science. Instead, it’s as if they’ve recognized they can only cry wolf a few more times before people start completely ignoring them, so they’ve moved all their apocalypses far out into the future so there are no predictions left to fail during the current debate.
In response to I believe in Global Warming (and other conversion stories): Conversion stories aren’t meant to convert skeptics; they’re a bonding tale for the converted, a sign of a religion; science needs theories that make predictions about what happens when they’re right and how to falsify them if they’re wrong. Proof for human-caused global warming is always whatever happened last month or last year, never tomorrow. No application of the scientific method can ever disprove it because hindsight is 20/20.
failed predictions
- 2011 end times prediction at Wikipedia
- “In 2001 American Christian radio host Harold Camping stated that the Rapture and Judgment Day would take place on May 21, 2011, and that the end of the world would take place five months later on October 21, 2011. The Rapture, in a specific tradition of premillennial theology, is the taking up into heaven of God’s elect people.”
- 2015 Updated NOAA Tide Gauge Data Shows No Coastal Sea Level Rise Acceleration: Larry Hamblin at Watts Up With That?
- “In all more than 200 coastal locations are included in these measurements with more than 100 of these coastal locations with recorded data periods in excess of 50 years in duration. None of these updated NOAA tide gauge measurement data records show coastal location sea level rise acceleration occurring anywhere on the U.S. coasts or Pacific or Atlantic island groups.”
- The abject failure of official global-warming predictions: Christopher Walter Monckton at Watts Up With That?
- “The zones colored orange and red, bounded by the two red needles, are, respectively, the low-end and high-end medium-term predictions made by the IPCC in 1990 that global temperature would rise by 1.0 [0.7, 1.5] Cº in the 36 years to 2025, equivalent to 2.78 [1.94, 4.17] Cº/century. The boundary between the two zones is the IPCC’s then best prediction: warming equivalent to about 2.8 C°/century by now.”
- Apocalypse Delayed: David French at National Review Online
- “The images show Manhattan shrinking against the onslaught of the rising seas—in 2015. Last year. Gasoline was supposed to be $9 per gallon. Milk would cost almost $13 per gallon.” (Memeorandum thread)
- The big list of failed climate predictions: Anthony Watts at Watts Up With That?
- The question wasn’t “what do people think is caused by global warming”, but “what was predicted by scientists and activists 25 years ago that would be a result of global warming.” Big difference.
Science News
- Odd white dwarf offers peek at core: Christopher Crockett at Science News
- “Something stripped unusual dead star of hydrogen and helium.”
- Sea level rise forecast doubles: Thomas Sumner at Science News
- “By 2100, Antarctic melt could boost oceans by over a meter.”
More global warming
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- Cargo cult climate science
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- Another victim of climate change: science reporting
- The needs of religious reporting are completely different from the needs of science reporting. Treating climate change as a religion is killing science reporting. If we’re not careful, it will kill science as well.
- What if we’re wrong about global warming?
- What if catastrophic anthropogenic global warming is a big hoax and we starve millions and send billions into misery for nothing?
- 14 more pages with the topic global warming, and other related pages
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- Cargo cult climate science
- When your real-world evidence contradicts your theory, that isn’t a boon for deniers; that’s a boon for you, because, if you are a scientist, that is how your scientific knowledge advances. Real scientists are embarrassed when they ignore real-world evidence in favor of a mere theory.
- Another victim of climate change: science reporting
- The needs of religious reporting are completely different from the needs of science reporting. Treating climate change as a religion is killing science reporting. If we’re not careful, it will kill science as well.
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More scientific method
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- The scientific creed
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- Global warming vs. oiled dolphins
- Catastrophic anthropogenic global warming critics are more dangerous than oil execs who kill dolphins, and need to be buried deeper than two million year old bones. But this makes CAGW a non-science. Science requires criticism or it isn’t science. Science-oriented media outlets are doing CAGW scientists a disservice by protecting them from competing theories.
- The gullible media and the chocolate factory
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