Nothing to fear but a brokered convention

“Colonel Allen West, who’s been to the school of hard knocks, he should be the one considered seriously for VP.”
Ann Coulter seems to think there’s something to fear about a brokered convention. I don’t get it—that, or the notion that Sarah Palin is pushing for a brokered convention so that she’ll be nominated. Palin is not going to be in the running at a brokered convention, she knows it, and she’s said she knows it.
Palin said clearly that she understood “I’m not going to be asked”. The only thing she’s said that’s remotely close was when she said “I would do whatever I could to help” if there were a brokered convention. That takes a lot of work to read as “I want the nomination”. It’s a lot easier to read as that she’d do what she did during the 2010 elections to help conservatives get elected.
But given that in the immediately previous sentence she said that lots of others would “offer themselves up in the name of service to their country” and that she’s gone out of her way to praise all four of the candidates and even suggest people other than her for the slots (such as Allan West for the VP slot), it takes a pretty twisted reading to read that as her asking to be nominated.
But one of the other things Palin said about a brokered convention—in the same sentence as “I’m not going to be asked”—was that “if it results in a brokered convention, that is nothing to fear”.
And it isn’t something to fear, unless you’re President Obama or a member of the biased media. A brokered convention would be a godsend to a smart Republican party. Conservatives have two chances of getting their voices heard during the presidential election without it being chopped into pieces first by a biased media: the debates and the convention. The only one where they can frame the discussion is the convention, because the debates always seem to involve crazy questions like George Stephanopoulos’s out-of-the-blue contraception question. The convention is fully under the control of the Republican Party.
The only problem is that by the time the convention rolls around everyone knows who the nominee is and it’s normally a pretty boring affair. A brokered convention, on the other hand—that’s exciting. The media would be forced to cover it, and they’d be forced to cover it live. It would be up to the Republican Party to choose the questions and the process for choosing their nominee. A smart Republican Party would use that to frame the rest of the election.
Perhaps Palin has more faith in the Republican Party than it deserves.
In response to Your candidate is unelectable and stupid: Unelectable and stupid is no way to go through life, son.
- Ann Coulter Suggests Sarah Palin Is a “Charlatan”: Ace at Ace of Spades HQ
- “Knocks Palin for interfering, as she terms it, in the Republican primary, while actually no longer being in politics.” “Imagine that. A woman, not running for office, speaking up on politics. Like, some kind of pundit or commentator or something.”
- Coulter on Palin, brokered convention: GOP has ‘a problem with con men and charlatans’: Jeff Poor at The Daily Caller
- “The one pledge I support and I think I’m going to draft it up is for all Republican nominees for president—I want them to sign a pledge saying, ‘If I lose the nomination I pledge I will not take a gig with Fox News or write a book.’” (Memeorandum thread)
- Gov. Palin ‘I would do whatever I could to help’ a brokered convention: Josh Painter at SarahNET
- “I mean nobody is quite there yet. So I think that months from now, if that’s the case, then, you know, all bets are off as to who it will be willing to offer themselves up in the name of service to their country. I would—I would do whatever I could to help.”
- Sarah Palin: Allen West Should Be Considered For Vice Presidency In 2012 at AllenWestRepublic
- “…if I were in a GOP presidential candidate’s shoes, I would first look to Colonel Allen West.”
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