The cyclic transmogrification of the Republican Party

“[They will allow us peace only] if we will all stop and allow Judge Douglas and his friends to… plant the institution [of slavery] all over the nation…”
Following the election of a “coarse”, “vulgar clown” of a Republican, “a man of no intelligence”, to the presidency, establishment politicians got together in Washington to save the policies he threatened to destroy. Republicans were begged by a tearful resistance—and establishment—to betray the extremists who elected them. Many Republicans listened more to the establishment than to the voters who elected them. Republicans loyal to the President feared—and Democrats and establishment Republicans hoped—that the electoral college would interfere and block this radical “ignoramus” from the White House. “Wise statesmen” reminded the Republican president-elect that he had been elected without a majority of votes cast and implored him to maintain the policies of his Democrat predecessor.
Mobs ruled the streets protesting the election. The country was as literally divided as it could ever be.
The year was 1860; the candidate was our first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln. And the Democrat’s policy that the DC establishment tried to save was slavery. Republicans who opposed slavery were disparagingly called “ultras” by the DC establishment. That is, extremists, outside the pale of cultured Washington. When real extremists had earlier raided Harper’s Ferry in then-Virginia, the Democrats and their press tried to pin the violence on Republicans.1
The resistance outside of the government did their best to undermine the new administration. Copperheadism flourished in “areas that had been solidly in favor of the Democrats… treasonous activities of all kinds were prevalent in these sections.”2
And the deep state resistance within the government? They did whatever they could to undermine the new president, even going as far as to “strip Northern armories by sending materials of war into the South…”.3
Even the charge of hate speech is as old as Lincoln. The Democrats accused the president of causing the national division that they themselves had created. They accused Republicans of hate speech by defining hate speech as saying that slavery is wrong—and then tried to outlaw such divisive speech.1 From Charlottesville to the resistance, it’s hard to imagine a more similar political climate to ours than that in which Lincoln ran for and won the presidency, without an actual war. And sometimes it looks like the left and Democrats are angling for that, too.
Lincoln even presaged Thomas Sowell’s theory that Democrats blame the failure of their policy not on any inherent defects, but upon people silently disagreeing with them:
Silence will not be tolerated—we must place ourselves avowedly with them. Senator Douglas’ new sedition law must be enacted and enforced, suppressing all declarations that slavery is wrong, whether made in politics, in presses, in pulpits, or in private. We must arrest and return their fugitive slaves with greedy pleasure. We must pull down our Free State constitutions. The whole atmosphere must be disinfected from all taint of opposition to slavery, before they will cease to believe that all their troubles proceed from us.
All of which makes the meltdown by today’s Democrats a darkly humorous, to people who follow history, bit of projection. For example, this meme I saw recently on Facebook:
The party of Lincoln and Liberty was transmogrified into the party of hairy-backed swamp developers and corporate shills, faith-based economists, fundamentalist bullies with Bibles, Christians of convenience, freelance racists, misanthropic frat boys, shrieking midgets of AM radio, tax cheats, nihilists in golf pants, brownshirts in pinstripes, sweatshop tycoons. ... Republicans: The No. 1 reason the rest of the world thinks we're deaf, dumb, and dangerous.
This is funny not just because it displays an incredible lack of introspection on the part of Democrats. It’s darkly funny because this is the same rhetoric they used to defend slavery. The swamp has been saying this about the party of Lincoln since, literally, Lincoln.
And I mean literally:
The cheek of every American must tingle with shame as he reads the silly, flat and dishwatery utterances of the man who has to be pointed out to intelligent foreigners as the President of the United States.
That’s from the Chicago Times, about the Gettysburg Address. From the dripping disdain of someone outside their social circle to the appeal to foreign appearances, it could have been written by the same person who wrote the Facebook meme passed around by my friends on the left.
Other newspapers chose to passive-aggressively ignore Lincoln’s now-famous speech:
We pass over the silly remarks of the President; for the credit of the Nation we are willing that the veil of oblivion shall be dropped over them and that they shall no more be repeated or thought of.
There is a failure of imagination that’s been part of the Democratic Party since at least before the Civil War. There’s an old joke about slavery that wasn’t really a joke: in response to Lincoln’s warning that the United States could not remain half slave and half free, Democrats replied, why not make it all slave? Slavery is such a caring institution that northern workers will benefit from it just as much as southern blacks do. What we really need, said Democrats like George Fitzhugh, is a system of universal slavery, because:
…the unrestricted exploitation of so-called free society is more oppressive to the laborer than domestic slavery.
Freedom is slavery; slavery is freedom. You’ll be better off the more decisions we make for you. Even back then, Democrats liked to define words as their opposite, so as to hide behind obfuscations.
They still make this kind of argument today. When steadily more insane government policies have raised the cost of health insurance and health care to the point where a small number of people can neither afford health insurance nor qualify for government assistance, Democrats don’t roll back the government policies that raise the cost of health care, nor even raise the threshold by which people qualify for assistance. They pass a system that makes everybody’s choices for them. No one likes to make decisions about their own health care, they say. We’ll all be better off if they make the decisions about what coverage we have and what doctors and providers we use.
When murderers target areas where only criminals are allowed to be armed, Democrats don’t enforce the laws against criminals being armed, nor do they decrease the number of areas where they are the only ones allowed to be armed. Democrats argue that we need more areas where only criminals are allowed to be armed. We’ll all be better off if they make the decisions about who is protected from criminals and who is not.
It’s the same old argument that Fitzhugh used to make. We'll all be better off once Democrats take over our lives, and we’ll love them for our bondage.
A state of dependence is the only condition in which reciprocal affection can exist among human beings—the only situation in which the war of competition ceases, and peace, amity and good will arise…
It’s the same old argument that Lincoln had to address:
They are the arguments that kings have made for enslaving the people in all ages of the world. You will find that all the arguments in favor of kingcraft were of this class; they always bestrode the necks of the people—not that they wanted to do it, but because the people were better off for being ridden. That is their argument and this argument of the judge is the same old serpent that says, “You work and I eat, you toil and I will enjoy the fruits of it.” — Abraham Lincoln (The Life and Writings of Abraham Lincoln)
This never-ending cycle of resistance to reform was set from the beginning in the swamp’s support for slavery following Lincoln’s election. After Lincoln won, and before he took office the swamp got together in DC to oppose—does this sound familiar?—the soon-to-be-new president’s policies. Their goal was peace at all costs; more specifically, it was to preserve the swamp at all costs. And if that meant maintaining slavery and even spreading slavery, well, that was a cost the DC establishment—Democrats, for the most part—was willing to pay.
That Facebook quote reminded me of Mark Tooley’s• The Peace That Almost Was•. It’s a fascinating book about the establishment getting together to save their own phoney-baloney jobs, in the name of maintaining peace and preserving slavery. It’s difficult to read it without seeing reflections in the entrenched administrative state’s attempts to oppose President Trump, and the press’s and establishment’s attempts to denigrate his supporters. As one Tennessee delegate wrote,
“The Peace Conference sat a month in Washington and employed every effort to win to reason the stubborn fanaticism of the party that sustains the president, all in vain.”
The effort to reason with those stubborn Republicans was spearheaded by a former President. President Tyler opposed Lincoln during the election, and:
After Lincoln’s election he pronounced the nation had “fallen on evil times,” with “madness” and demagoguery prevailing over statesmanship.
Much the same way that the establishment today projects their failings onto the current President, this was projection then, and it is projection now. Slavery was madness; Lincoln’s election was a providential ray of sanity. And the evil of the times was the result of Democrats resisting Lincoln’s election.
The language the establishment uses against Trump today mirrors exactly the language they used against Lincoln. Our problem today is not that Republicans have transmogrified since Lincoln, but that Democrats have not. The language they used to oppose Lincoln has been recycled by Democrats and the DC establishment throughout the decades and centuries. It is still used today. They are still acting like we’d all be better off enslaved to them.
Threats, harassment, and dependence. The amazing thing is not how much Republicans have changed. It’s how little Democrats have changed.
In response to Embarrassed by our president: “The cheek of every American must tingle with shame as he reads the silly, flat and dishwatery utterances of the man who has to be pointed out to intelligent foreigners as the President of the United States.”
Stephen A. Douglas, trying to use Harper’s Ferry to bully Republicans into forgoing all opposition to slavery:
The Harper’s Ferry crime was the natural, logical, inevitable result of the doctrines and teachings of the Republican Party, as explained and enforced in their platform, their partisan presses, their pamphlets and books, and especially in the speeches of their leaders in and out of Congress…
Is not the Republican Party still embodied, organized, confident of success, and defiant in its pretensions? Does it not now hold and proclaim the same creed that it did before the invasion? It is true that most of its representatives here disavow the act of John Brown at Harper’s Ferry. I am glad that they do so; I am rejoiced that they have gone thus far; but I must be permitted to say to them that it is not sufficient that they disavow the act, unless they also repudiate and denounce the doctrines and teachings which produced the act. Those doctrines remain the same; those teachings are being poured into the minds of men throughout the country by means of speeches and pamphlets and books, and through partizan presses. — Stephen A. Douglas (The Candidature for the Presidency in eight years of Stephen A. Douglas)
Philip Van Doren Stern, The Life and Writings of Abraham Lincoln, p. 115.
↑Philip Van Doren Stern, The Life and Writings of Abraham Lincoln, p. 92.
Abraham Lincoln
- Abraham Lincoln: Cooper Union Address: Abraham Lincoln
- “The facts with which I shall deal this evening are mainly old and familiar; nor is there anything new in the general use I shall make of them. If there shall be any novelty, it will be in the mode of presenting the facts, and the inferences and observations following that presentation.”
- Embarrassed by our president
- “The cheek of every American must tingle with shame as he reads the silly, flat and dishwatery utterances of the man who has to be pointed out to intelligent foreigners as the President of the United States.”
- Fourth Joint Debate at Charleston, Mr. Lincoln’s Rejoinder: Abraham Lincoln
- “Have we ever had any peace on this slavery question? When are we to have peace upon it, if it is kept in the position it now occupies? How are we ever to have peace upon it? That is an important question. To be sure, if we will all stop, and allow Judge Douglas and his friends to march on in their present career until they plant the institution all over the nation, here and wherever else our flag waves, and we acquiesce in it, there will be peace.”
- The Life and Writings of Abraham Lincoln: Philip Van Doren Stern (ebook)
- “Stern’s ‘Life of Abraham Lincoln’ is a full biography of the man and includes a detailed chronology. Stern has collected all the essential texts of Lincoln’s public life, from his first public address—a stump speech in New Salem, Illinois, in 1832 for an election he went on to lose—to his last piece of public writing, a pass to a congressman who was to visit the president the day after Lincoln went to Ford’s Theater on April 14, 1865.”
- George Fitzhugh Argues that Slavery is Better than Liberty and Equality, 1854: George Fitzhugh
- “As the nineteenth century progressed, some Americans shifted their understanding of slavery from a necessary evil to a positive good. George Fitzhugh offered one of the most consistent and sophisticated defenses of slavery. His study Sociology for the South attacked northern society as corrupt and slavery as a gentle system designed to “protect” the inferior black race and promote social harmony.”
- John Brown’s Raid
- “On October 16, 1859, John Brown led a small army of 18 men into the small town of Harper’s Ferry, Virginia. His plan was to instigate a major slave rebellion in the South. He would seize the arms and ammunition in the federal arsenal, arm slaves in the area and move south along the Appalachian Mountains, attracting slaves to his cause.”
- The Peace That Almost Was•: Mark Tooley (hardcover)
- A peace summit between the 1860 election and Lincoln’s inauguration in 1861, to keep Southern Democrats from seceding by enshrining slavery into the constitution.
More Abraham Lincoln
- The Life of Stephen A. Douglas
- Where Abraham Lincoln’s conservative principles made a flawed man better, Stephen A. Douglas’s belief in the responsibility of government elites for managing lesser men made him far worse.
- The Life and Writings of Abraham Lincoln
- As the founding president of the Republican Party and the man who guided the United States through the incredible sacrifices of the Civil War and the abolition of slavery, Abraham Lincoln deserves more than adulation. He deserves to be read.
- White Supremacy: The Reincarnation of Stephen Douglas
- The modern Democratic Party, and the left in general, seems to be reincarnating Stephen Douglas and other early Democrat defenders of slavery and white supremacy. “That’s mighty white of you,” they say, when blacks show independence and reason.
- Abraham Lincoln’s conservative principles
- Reading Lincoln, it seems that both conservative thought and anti-conservative thought really hasn’t changed much in a century and a half. Though less racist for his time, he was still racist. But his adherence to conservative principles enabled him to overcome his prejudices while his contemporaries who were not conservative sank deeper into racism.
- The last time an actor assassinated a president?
- When, asks Johnny Depp, was the last time an actor assassinated a president? The only reasonable explanation for this question is that Depp is a secret conservative.
More administrative state
- Small towns, big government
- Should people have to leave small towns in order to go where the jobs are? Or is that response hypocrisy masquerading as compassion?
More Democrats
- Roundup of Reactions to the Democrat’s Latest Corrupt Lawfare
- There can be no comity in the face of corruption the size of New York’s and DC’s. Lawfare is war, and it must be treated like war.
- Illinois Nazis and Lincoln’s Democrats
- An anecdote about other people’s money and other people’s time that I’ve had sitting around for a while.
- The Life of Stephen A. Douglas
- Where Abraham Lincoln’s conservative principles made a flawed man better, Stephen A. Douglas’s belief in the responsibility of government elites for managing lesser men made him far worse.
- Slavery is barbarism
- Of course progressives believe slavery is a net economic positive. When the left talks rights, they’re talking about the power of government to force people to both provide something and to deny it.
- The left’s vicious racial shaming
- The left is waging a war against struggling mothers—all in service of creating racial discord and shoring up their identity politics.
- 17 more pages with the topic Democrats, and other related pages
More destructive harassment
- How the left transformed vulgarity into courage and elected Donald Trump
- When you lose to Donald Trump, look inward, because it isn’t Donald Trump’s fault. The establishment left, especially the media, attacked Donald Trump just like he was Joe the Plumber. But Donald Trump has the platform to attack back. Doing so took courage, and the Plumbers of America recognized that.
More President Donald Trump
- Trump, tariffs, and the war on American workers
- Why do so many American workers support Trump so strongly against the wishes of their union leadership? Partly because only Trump recognizes that we’re in a war targeting American workers.
- Walk toward the fire
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- Trump and the January 6 defendants
- There appears to be a concerted effort on conservative forums to blame Trump for not doing anything for the January 6 prisoners and defendants. Is it true?
- Betrayal is bad advice
- It makes sense that the beltway would want to depress voter turnout by working class voters. It’s a mistake for Trump supporters to do so.
- Who is Trump running against?
- If Trump runs against Biden, he’ll lose, just like he did in 2020: by getting more votes but fewer ballots. It looks like Trump understands that. He’s not running against Biden. He’s running against the Democrats and Republicans who put Biden in power.
- 30 more pages with the topic President Donald Trump, and other related pages
More projection
- What the f*** is wrong with Americans?
- Do you disagree with the left? Then there’s something the f*** wrong with you.
- The left’s vicious racial shaming
- The left is waging a war against struggling mothers—all in service of creating racial discord and shoring up their identity politics.
- Franklin D. Trump: What else can I do?
- Does the left want internment camps for Americans of Russian descent?
- The eye of the insulter
- The left has become so unhinged that they’re sending out promo photos for President Trump, thinking they’re insulting him. They seem to have a pathological inability to appreciate working, and don’t recognize a serious working photo when they see one.
- Clinton supporters, can we make a deal?
- The left is refusing to look inward about why they lost the election, and instead continues to try to blame Trump supporters for just not being introspective enough to see how horrible their candidate is.
More Republicans
- The Life and Writings of Abraham Lincoln
- As the founding president of the Republican Party and the man who guided the United States through the incredible sacrifices of the Civil War and the abolition of slavery, Abraham Lincoln deserves more than adulation. He deserves to be read.
- Health insurance reform? What health insurance reform?
- The Truth About Republicans: they don’t want to repeal Obamacare.
- Two lessons for the price of one, for the Republican Party
- The Republican Party needs to stop trying to make it easy for the press to derail their primary process.
- You want your party back; so do Trump supporters
- You want your party back? So do Trump supporters. Whether Republican or Democrat, their party is either leaving them or has left them. They want their jobs, their religion, and they especially want their voice back. Trump promises to be that voice.
- The Parable of the Primary
- If Republicans are looking to be more Obama than Obama, they couldn’t have found a better cronyist than Donald Trump.
- 10 more pages with the topic Republicans, and other related pages
More slavery for all
- Slavery is barbarism
- Of course progressives believe slavery is a net economic positive. When the left talks rights, they’re talking about the power of government to force people to both provide something and to deny it.