The last time an actor assassinated a president?

Johnny Depp asks, “when was the last time an actor assassinated a president?” That’s an interesting and odd question, because the last time an actor assassinated a president was when Democrats were very, very angry that a Republican president had ended slavery. Democrats did everything they could to keep President Lincoln from successfully waging war against the Democratic base among slave-holders.
And they continue to do so today. The control-left still wants that kind of control over everyone, especially minorities. They’re angry as hell, and filled with hate, that people not only voted against their agenda in November, but that, despite a hate-filled media onslaught people continue to vote against that hate-filled agenda through four special elections.
Why would Johnny Depp want, in this climate, to remind everyone that Democrats perpetuated slavery in the United States, defended slavery in the United States, still promote policies of dependence in the United States, and turn violent whenever anyway tries to end those hate-filled policies?
Why would he want to remind them that the climate of hate that the left is promoting now has been with them since at least the Civil War and the Democratic-founded white-sheeted terrorism that followed? That violence was directed against Republicans, too.
Is he secretly a friend of Abe? Perhaps Gary Sinise should reach out to him.
In response to 2017 in Photos: For photos, memes, and perhaps other quick notes sent from my mobile device or written on the fly during 2017.
- Democrats “oppress” black voters… by killing them en masse
- Over more than a century, Democrats throughout the United States have sought to glorify the Confederacy, from the battle flag to erecting monuments to the political leaders of the Confederacy. They have killed to do it. Republicans should work to tear down those monuments to slavery.
- The Fringe Left Is Perpetrating Violence, While the “Respectable” Left Justifies Violence, Excuses It, and Promotes It: Ace at Ace of Spades HQ
- “Is there any other way to read that than ‘This guy got shot, and here’s a good reason why?’”
- Good Explanation of Why Tossoff Lost: Ace at Ace of Spades HQ
- “In short, they’re starting to realize the left has declared solemn war on them, and they’re waking up to that awful reality, and the inescapable consequences of it.”
- Johnny Depp On Trump: ‘When Was The Last Time An Actor Assassinated A President?’: Andrea Ruth at RedState
- “Actor Johnny Depp took to the microphone at the Glastonbury Music Festival on Thursday to lambast President Donald Trump.” (Memeorandum thread) (Hat tip to Ed Driscoll at Instapundit)
- Remember this when the New York Times criticizes conservatives
- Peter Baker in the New York Times writes that conservatives can’t really be concerned about the President’s safety, because they criticize the President’s policies. What does this say about Baker and the Times’s criticism of George Bush and other conservatives?
More Abraham Lincoln
- The Life of Stephen A. Douglas
- Where Abraham Lincoln’s conservative principles made a flawed man better, Stephen A. Douglas’s belief in the responsibility of government elites for managing lesser men made him far worse.
- The Life and Writings of Abraham Lincoln
- As the founding president of the Republican Party and the man who guided the United States through the incredible sacrifices of the Civil War and the abolition of slavery, Abraham Lincoln deserves more than adulation. He deserves to be read.
- White Supremacy: The Reincarnation of Stephen Douglas
- The modern Democratic Party, and the left in general, seems to be reincarnating Stephen Douglas and other early Democrat defenders of slavery and white supremacy. “That’s mighty white of you,” they say, when blacks show independence and reason.
- Abraham Lincoln’s conservative principles
- Reading Lincoln, it seems that both conservative thought and anti-conservative thought really hasn’t changed much in a century and a half. Though less racist for his time, he was still racist. But his adherence to conservative principles enabled him to overcome his prejudices while his contemporaries who were not conservative sank deeper into racism.
- The cyclic transmogrification of the Republican Party
- From Lincoln on, Democrats have accused Republicans of their own failings: hate speech, violence, madness. And the more the left recycles the same serpent’s lies they used against President Lincoln, the more the left turns Trump into the new Lincoln.
More assassination
- Trump, destiny, and the flood
- Is it God’s plan that Trump will win and make America better, or is it God’s plan to warn us about what we can do to make America better?
- Walk toward the fire
- Trump reassures crowd after assassination attempt fails.
More Democrats
- Roundup of Reactions to the Democrat’s Latest Corrupt Lawfare
- There can be no comity in the face of corruption the size of New York’s and DC’s. Lawfare is war, and it must be treated like war.
- Illinois Nazis and Lincoln’s Democrats
- An anecdote about other people’s money and other people’s time that I’ve had sitting around for a while.
- The Life of Stephen A. Douglas
- Where Abraham Lincoln’s conservative principles made a flawed man better, Stephen A. Douglas’s belief in the responsibility of government elites for managing lesser men made him far worse.
- Slavery is barbarism
- Of course progressives believe slavery is a net economic positive. When the left talks rights, they’re talking about the power of government to force people to both provide something and to deny it.
- The left’s vicious racial shaming
- The left is waging a war against struggling mothers—all in service of creating racial discord and shoring up their identity politics.
- 17 more pages with the topic Democrats, and other related pages
More institutional Left
- The left’s hatred of business is a lie
- The left doesn’t hate business. They hate you and me.
- Roundup of Reactions to the Democrat’s Latest Corrupt Lawfare
- There can be no comity in the face of corruption the size of New York’s and DC’s. Lawfare is war, and it must be treated like war.
- Why does the Institutional Left hate Israel so much?
- The institutional Left doesn’t hate only Israel. They hate any ethnic group that rebels against enslavement by the Left.
- Illinois Nazis and Lincoln’s Democrats
- An anecdote about other people’s money and other people’s time that I’ve had sitting around for a while.
- On education, the left is mired in the fifties
- Why don’t schools have locked doors? Because when it comes to education, especially K-12, the left, as in so many things, is mired in the distant industrialized assembly-line past.
- 17 more pages with the topic institutional Left, and other related pages
More slavery
- The Life of Stephen A. Douglas
- Where Abraham Lincoln’s conservative principles made a flawed man better, Stephen A. Douglas’s belief in the responsibility of government elites for managing lesser men made him far worse.
- The Life and Writings of Abraham Lincoln
- As the founding president of the Republican Party and the man who guided the United States through the incredible sacrifices of the Civil War and the abolition of slavery, Abraham Lincoln deserves more than adulation. He deserves to be read.
- Senator Kamala Harris calls for slavery reparations
- California Senator and 2020 presidential candidate Kamala Harris calls on Democrats to support reparations to descendants of former slaves, and to descendants of Union soldiers who died freeing them.
- Slavery does not create wealth
- Frederick Douglass was born in slavery and escaped it. He tells us that slavery by its very nature destroys rather than creates wealth. That it creates a poverty not just of mind and spirit, but of the pocketbook as well.
- Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American slave
- Not only does slavery make life worse for slaves, it doesn’t make life better for slave-owners. And the ultimate freedom is freedom to learn.