The Destruction of Title IX

Milton Friedman is apocryphally thought to have said that if you put the government in charge of the desert, in fifty years you’d end up with a shortage of sand.
Title IX passed on June 23, 1972. Last year was its fiftieth anniversary. Friedman would not be surprised that a government program meant to protect the right of women to compete against each other in sports, now protects the right of men to dominate women.
Put the government in charge of women’s sports, and in fifty years you’ll have a shortage of… women and sports.
You’ll have government bureaucrats driving women out of women’s sports and replacing them with men. Forcing young women to accept men exposing themselves in women’s bathrooms and locker rooms. Injuring women and beating them in contact sports. Raping women in prisons.
These males are not even attempting to pass as females, and there’s a good reason for this. Puberty blockers don’t turn a boy into a girl (or a girl into a boy). They interfere with and even stop the natural processes that children must go through to remain healthy. They irreversibly stunt their natural development from children into adults. They mutilate children and create mutilated adults.
So, it’s obvious why, not required to take these drugs, the men pretending to be women don’t. They’re dangerous.
But more importantly—to the boys and men attempting to compete against women—these drugs would reduce their ability to dominate women. They would reduce their ability to win in these sports.
It’s so obvious what’s going on that its supporters have to resort to silencing everyone with an audience who points it out. From J.K. Rowling to Margaret Atwood, it doesn’t matter how reliably left you are, if you point out the “men who beat women up and the corporations that support them.”
Or ask, “why can’t we say ‘woman’ anymore?” instead of “pregnant person” or “people with uteruses”.
“Gender-affirming care” is one of those opposite words that the left uses so well. It’s not gender-affirming, it’s gender-destroying. And like all of their opposite words, when it fails and kills children, they blame it on someone else.
When they can’t blame it on someone else, they pretend it doesn’t happen. Despite all the evidence of our eyes, they pretend that men do not dominate in women’s contact sports, do not injure women when they take part in contact sports.
They deny that a program to protect women now exposes women, including minors, to abusers, in bathrooms, dressing rooms, and on the playing field.
They even end up denying that putting sexual abusers into all-female prisons will allow predators more prey. Government protectionism has gone from protecting women to killing them.
Apocryphal Milton Friedman would not be surprised.
In response to The new barbarism: A return to feudalism: The progressive left seems to have no concept of what civilization is, and of what undergirds civilization.
- ACLU files motion denying existence of women: Daniel Greenfield at Sultan Knish
- “Biology 101 is now an ‘allegation’ to be denied in court. Within a decade the ACLU has gone from falsely accusing Republicans of a ‘War on Women’ to waging an actual war on women in court.”
- Adult male kept in juvenile detention on child rape charges: Ace at Ace of Spades HQ
- “James Tubbs sexually assaulted a four-year-old girl when he was days shy of his 18th birthday… Then Tubbs claimed he was ‘transgender.’ [Soros DA George] Gascon… sentenced the 26 year old man to two years in juvenile detention, even though he’s a man who has previously preyed on children.”
- After Loss to Lia Thomas, Female Swimmer Becomes Advocate for Women’s Sports: Mike LaChance at Legal Insurrection
- “Women’s sports need more people to step forward and advocate for the athletes. None of this will change until they do it.”
- Beating the Hell Out of Girls: Ace at Ace of Spades HQ
- “Portland School Superintendent: The Real Problem Isn’t That There’s a Violently Insane Boy Dressing as a Girl and Beating the Hell Out of Girls, The Problem Is That Those ‘External to the Community’ Noticed.”
- Court Orders Powerlifting USA To Permit Men to Compete Against Women: Ace at Ace of Spades HQ
- “Here the court argues that the huge advantage men have in muscle and bone density is no big deal in a powerlifting competition, because, you see… transgenders have emotional problems that more than wipe away their advantages.”
- LGB without the TQ: Don Surber
- “J.K. Rowling upped the ante—some would say anti—in her battle against male transsexuals. They call her a TERF, she calls them out as fake women.”
More sex differences
- Innovation in a state of fear: the unintended? consequences of political correctness
- Is political correctness poised to literally kill minorities as it may already have killed women, because scientists avoid critical research in order to avoid social media mobs?
More transphobia
- That’s a man, baby: Your fantasy is hurting people
- We are beating and mutilating children in the name of tolerance. There will come a time when our denial of biological reality is recognized as a mass hysteria, when child castration is recognized as the barbarity that it is.
- How the left transformed vulgarity into courage and elected Donald Trump
- When you lose to Donald Trump, look inward, because it isn’t Donald Trump’s fault. The establishment left, especially the media, attacked Donald Trump just like he was Joe the Plumber. But Donald Trump has the platform to attack back. Doing so took courage, and the Plumbers of America recognized that.
- Dr. Frank N. Furter: the left’s answer to transgender bathrooms
- The left thinks transgenders are murderous, cannialistic rapists. And they approve.
- Nothing to Queer but Queer itself
- You’re just being paranoid, America. Nobody’s forcing you to take part in gay marriage or forcing your children to approve of transsexuality. Just let them be themselves and they’ll leave you alone.
- Last black ejected from civil rights movement
- White is the new black: a new generation of Democrats bear the white liberal’s burden to save blacks from their own laziness.
- Two more pages with the topic transphobia, and other related pages
More war on women
- Beltway establishment goes full Panem on Trumps
- The establishment left is using The Hunger Games as a manual for government. The Ivanka Trump scandal seems less about ethics than about keeping beltway politics safe for political dynasties.
- Dr. Frank N. Furter: the left’s answer to transgender bathrooms
- The left thinks transgenders are murderous, cannialistic rapists. And they approve.
- Hillary Clinton and husband accused of sexual assault
- Between them, Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her husband, William, stand accused of sexual harassment or assault against at least eight women, and have paid settlements of at least $850,000.