Media Scare Machine: The Sky is Falling
… the man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them, inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors. — Thomas Jefferson (Letter to John Norvell, June 14, 1807)
I was in a cab, these blog posts always start, but in this case it was a Lyft rideshare from downtown Raleigh to RDU airport two weeks ago on Friday the 13th. The driver started talking about how people were panicking and hoarding things that shouldn’t, objectively, matter, and I made the point that people shouldn’t have to be experts on the biology of obscure Chinese diseases. That’s what a healthy news media is for. But we don’t have a healthy news media. We have a sick media and so we have runs on toilet paper for no apparent reason.
This got the driver going off about how horribly the press, in general, was acting during this pandemic. How they seem to have no idea how biology works, or statistics, and how they pass on lies that deliberately create panic.
She was right. If you heard that the United States no longer has a response team for pandemics, as the Washington Post incorrectly reported, you might reasonably panic about needing to load up on medical supplies. If you heard that there was going to be a national curfew, as CNN incorrectly reported, you might decide to stock up on essentials. If you heard that Trump told the states they were on their own, as the New York Times incorrectly reported, you might very reasonably decide that hoarding the essentials is necessary.
And when I say “incorrectly reported”, I mean lied. There was nothing ambiguous about what they reported on. They took statements from the White House confirming that federal response teams had the states’ backs, and reported the opposite. They took a common-sense reorganization that strengthened our ability to respond to pandemics, and lied that it removed our ability to respond. And they completely made up the curfew rumor, as far as I can tell.
All to deliberately cause a panic to sell papers and feed their hatred of the President.
So it was kind of darkly funny that the first social media meme I saw after returning from Raleigh was a couple of media outlets trying to convince us that “the media didn’t tell you to” do all these panicky things, they just told you to “wash your damn hands”. Shaye Ganam of Global News tweeted, shared via Nick LaFave of WZZM Michigan in my case:
The media didn’t shut down China or Italy. The media didn’t cancel tens of thousands of flights. The media didn’t infect more than a hundred thousand people in dozens of countries in a month. The media didn’t tell you to buy toilet paper. The media said wash your damn hands.
Ignore for the moment the royal you in that statement—you should wash your hands, not we should. It’s complete bullshit from start to finish. Throughout their reporting, they have deliberately lied, twisted words, and used technical terms out of context to create scare words. They have tried at every turn to create more panic rather than just saying “wash your damn hands”. And whether from malice or incompetence, their advice and actions at every turn served to spread the disease rather than contain it.
When you see the media using the term “global pandemic” they are specifically trying to make the word sound more serious than it is. Pandemic means global as the WHO uses it. Adding “global” in front of “pandemic” the way they’ve been doing is superfluous unless you’re trying to make the word sound like something it isn’t.
They use the word “pandemic” as if it means “you’re all going to die”. A “pandemic” means only that the disease is spreading around the world. If there were one case in every country passed on to one person in each country, and then the disease died out, it could still have been called a pandemic. The term, when used by the WHO, says nothing about the seriousness of a disease, only that it’s been spread over a large number of countries over a particular period of time.
They use the term “containment zone” solely because it sounds like something from a science fiction war story, trying to imply through their questions and commentary that it constricts people’s movement rather than the virus’s—which, of course, encourages people to hoard and to travel whenever in other news the media starts hinting at a new containment zone.
They quote a scientist calling this “unprecedented” and fail to explain that the scientist meant something good, that we have been able to track the emergence and spread of this disease, unlike diseases in the past that caught us by surprise.1
Headlines use words like “scramble” to describe the response by the United States, which seems completely at odds with reality. The United States began responding at least as early as January when the President stopped travel from China, a ban that the media called racist.2
And the incoherency of what the media pushes as solutions! That the President was wrong to close the border to China. That the President was wrong to want to quarantine sick people returning from overseas. That we need a 14-day national shutdown. How in the world are these not inducements to panic? If the press gets their fourteen day shutdown, aren’t people going to need fourteen days of food and supplies?
Anyone who takes the news media seriously is going to panic. If the media had their way, we would have more disease vectors in the country and more empty shelves. Yes, the media told people that hoarding was necessary. Yes, the media told people that flying was deadly. And to the extent that the media gave government employees political cover to let carriers freely in the country, the media also helped spread the virus. The media got what they wanted: a deep state that ignores the president’s orders. And they’re still encouraging it, and all the deaths associated with it.
There’s a flip side, too. The boy who cried wolf is not a cautionary tale for the villagers, but for little boys who constantly scream “crisis” when they don’t get their way. When the media lies this blatantly, many people will reasonably assume that nothing about the virus’s dangers is real. That also helps spread the virus.
Like most pathological liars, the press wants to blame the people who expose them. The day after I saw that meme, I saw a video of someone here in Texas calling a reporter out for their fearmongering. The reporter was at an H-E-B, the main grocery chain in Texas, early in the morning to report on how the panic was going. In response to this guy blaming them, the reporter said that no one’s making you come out here at 6 AM.
But of course, they were. If you have a family, you need food, you need toilet paper, you need cleaning supplies. If the media has convinced enough people to hoard food and supplies, you need to get to the supermarket before that stuff which your family needs disappears.
When I saw that video, I had just come back from grocery shopping, at about 2 PM. All I needed were an onion, a few carrots, and some celery. Three out of four of the most common vegetables grocery stores carry, and the nearest H-E-B was completely out.3
Even if that guy’s job were one that allowed shopping in the afternoon, if he needs those things for his family he has to get there early, and he has to get there early because the media’s been lying.
Even worse, though, is that the media’s response seems to be calculated not for public health or public information, but getting the President. When the President first started responding aggressively to stop the virus’s spread, it was the Washington Post, the New York Times, and CNN that told us we should ignore him and that we were racist if we didn’t continue traveling, continue getting together in large crowds, and continue, essentially, carrying the virus from place to place. We were xenophobic if we tried to stop the virus at its source. They don’t care who dies, as long as their lies attack a President they don’t like.
We should be able to rely on a healthy media, but our media is far from healthy. This has been a long time coming. I first remember noticing the media’s predilection for literal end of the world scenarios with the New York Times’s reporting on the Large Hadron Collider. In order to report a possible end-of-the-world scenario they interviewed a scientist who believed that rocks are alive and live in a different time dimension than humans.4
But that was just the media’s general anti-civilization bias, not the kind of bias that comes from their utter hatred of President Trump. They seem to be actually cheering as people lose jobs, as their life’s work is shut down, and as the death toll rises.
Yes, Mr. Ganam. The media did indeed tell us to cancel flights, did indeed tell us to hoard toilet paper. By ridiculing travel restrictions back in their “the coronavirus is no big deal” phase, they contributed to the virus’s spread throughout the world. By making quarantines more difficult, they spread the virus faster here in the United States.
When the president told us to wash our hands a lot, what did the press lead with? That the President is a germaphobe. That is not the way to tell people to “wash their damn hands”.
Our diseased media seems to have two faces: “Trump is a germaphobe, the coronavirus is no big deal” and “you are all idiots, the sky is falling and you’re not panicking enough yet!” The problem is that both those modes are causing more deaths than they save lives. Whether it’s calling border restrictions racist and insinuating that hand washing is germaphobic, or encouraging hoarding so that essential supplies are impossible for health professionals and first responders to find, the media is making this situation worse, and increasing the spread of the virus and its death toll. They’ve lost all sense of proportion and seem to be operating on hatred alone.
In response to To the ends of the earth: Why don’t we see any evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence? And will we survive long enough to make ourselves known to the universe?
There’s a good argument that the scientist interviewed was partly wrong, because it turns out that the Chinese government was lying to WHO and providing false information about the disease.
↑In fact, there’s a valid argument that Trump’s response came before the virus, when he started pushing for pharmaceutical companies to bring vaccine production back to the United States. It wasn’t specifically in response to the Wuhan Flu, but it was clearly in preparation for something like it.
↑I’m pretty sure they were out of the fourth, potatoes, as well, but since that wasn’t on my shopping list I didn’t waste time looking for them.
↑In his defense, he believed that everything is alive, and everything lives in a different time dimension that everything else. There is no defense for the New York Times reporting that the Sky Is Falling based on this craziness.
dangerous media
- First, CNN came for InfoWars
- “When the speech condemns a free press, you are hearing the words of a tyrant.”
- Media Says ‘Chinese Coronavirus’ Term Is Xenophobic- Is That Why They’ve Used It? at Media Research Center
- Go to about 1:20 to hear CNN specifically denigrate the idea of trying to stop the spread of the virus as a racist idea.
- Should CNN Be Taken Off the Air For Both Public Health and Fake News/Foreign Propaganda Reasons?: Ace at Ace of Spades HQ
- “What are you hoping to accomplish? Do you want to change the president’s response? But that wouldn’t make sense because the next thing Trump said in that quote was that the feds would assist states. So do you just want to gin up hysteria?”
- ‘Inducing panic’: Media under fire for driving coronavirus hype to epidemic levels at The Washington Times
- “Every publication from the WHO says 3.4% and we expect it to fall dramatically once we understand the full extent of the illness,” said Dr. Pinsky. “No one ever reports the actual statement.”
fake news
- Hypocritical Media Downplays Wuhan Virus For Weeks, Then Critiques Fox News For Shifting ‘Rhetoric’: Chrissy Clark at The Federalist
- “‘None of these people cared about you. They didn’t care about protecting public health, or sharing accurate information. They cared about being virtuous,’ Carlson said. ‘They put their wokeness about your life as they always do.’ In an article titled ‘Get a grippe, America. The flu is a much bigger threat than coronavirus, for now,’ published February 1, the Washington Post’s Lenny Bernstein wrote that the flu poses a larger threat to the American public, as coronavirus does not appear to be fatal.”
- MSNBC’s Chris Hayes pans Trump’s ‘disturbing’ remarks at CDC: Kaelan Des at The Hill
- “Hayes ripped the president’s remarks suggesting he wished 21 infected passengers on a cruise ship off the coast of San Francisco not be brought on land in part because he did not want the number of cases in the U.S. to spike.”
- No, the White House didn’t ‘dissolve’ its pandemic response office: Tim Morrison at The Washington Post
- “It has been alleged by multiple officials of the Obama administration, including in The Post, that the president and his then-national security adviser, John Bolton, “dissolved the office” at the White House in charge of pandemic preparedness. Because I led the very directorate assigned that mission, the counterproliferation and biodefense office, for a year and then handed it off to another official who still holds the post, I know the charge is specious.”
- Social Distancing: Paul Joseph Watson
- “That’s not social distancing.”
- We Are Going to Have Serious Reckoning With the Media About Their Deliberate Incitement of Public Panic: Ace at Ace of Spades HQ
- “The press is pushing new fake news, of course: They're pushing the deliberately panic-inciting rumor that the government is considering imposing a national curfew.”
- How the Media Greeted Trump’s Announcement of a Travel Ban From China: Ace at Ace of Spades HQ
- “Lyndsey Fifield: I Looked Back to See How the Media Greeted Trump's Announcement of a Travel Ban From China. The Media's Almost-Universal Reaction Was That Such a Move Was Overkill and That the Chinese Virus Was No Big Deal.”
- Led by notorious germaphobe, West Wing braces for coronavirus: Kevin Liptak, Kaitlan Collins, and Jeremy Diamond at CNN
- “‘I can't get sick. I can't get sick,’ the President insists when he wants to justify dismissing from the room an underling who might infect him with a bug, according to people who have heard him say it. Experienced aides have encouraged others not to take it personally.”
- Trump nods at reputation as germaphobe during coronavirus briefing: ‘I try to bail out as much as possible’ after sneeze: J. Edward Moreno at The Hill
- “President Trump referenced his reputation as a germaphobe during a rare press conference about the coronavirus Wednesday.”
- Trump said people should avoid coronavirus by acting like him, not touch handrails, leave the room if people sneeze: Tom Porter
- “The president's germaphobia is long-standing. He insists that people wash their hands before entering the Oval Office and is wary of shaking hands with members of the public for fear of infection.”
- The Bleat: Monday, March 9 2020: James Lileks at The Bleat
- A few weeks ago, I think, I mused about some previous pandemic about which I’d forgotten, except that I bought masks, and noted a run on rice at Costco, That was the Swine Flu pandemic, of course. It was declared by the WHO to be A Thing in June 2009. I decided to go back to the StarTribune archives to see how it played out. From what I recalled, there was concern, but nothing like we're seeing today.
- Some Coronavirus Humility: Victor Davis Hanson at City Journal
- “The pandemic may prove as bad as some warn; it is also possible that our response could prove as harmful as the virus itself.”
President Donald Trump
- Coronavirus Will Give President Trump His Biggest Win: Daniel Greenfield
- “The media falsely claims that President Trump was unprepared for the coronavirus crisis. The truth is that the problem was exactly what Make America Great Again warned about… America must reclaim its manufacturing sector, control its supply chains and its borders, and rebuild our economic relationships with other countries on more secure terms.”
- I’m Done: Michael Hooten at According To Hoyt
- “‘Dr. Anthony Fauci says he would like to see aggressive measures such as a 14-day national shutdown.’ …it took me a bit to find that actual video… and it was not exactly what it was advertised to be… Dr Fauci urged caution, preferred over-reaction to under reaction, but also urged rational approach. Not all areas needed a shutdown, he said.”
- Trump prepared for virus in August: Don Surber
- President Donald John Trump prepared for the corona virus by firing 4 tweets on August 23, 2019.
the Sky is Falling
- All the Establishment Media’s Dangerous Coronavirus Lies: John Nolte at Breitbart
- “People are scared, worried, stressed, and have reason to be. Even if you remove the fear of the virus, no one can escape the fear of the panic, and the media’s blatant lies are only adding to this uncertainty and fear… these are not mistakes. Mistakes are random. Mistakes fall both ways. Our fake news media’s ‘mistakes’ fall only one way—in the direction of ginning up panic in our streets and hatred of Trump and his supporters…”
- Apocalypse Fatigue: Why Won’t At-Risk Boomers Panic About the Wuhan Virus?: Buck Throckmorton at Ace of Spades HQ
- “In Aesop’s fable about ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf,’ the moral of the story isn’t that the townsfolk should have believed the boy, the moral is that the boy shouldn’t have destroyed his credibility by falsely screaming wolf time and again.”
- Coronavirus and the pernicious effect of the media’s lies about Donald Trump: Bookworm at Bookworm Room
- “This is what the media lies do. What Trump actually says is ‘Some people are unaware they’re ill, so they go to work.’ What the media reports is ‘Trump tells people to go to work if they’re sick.’ Sadly (as I’m sure the media knows), there are credulous people out there who take those deliberately wrong reports at face value, unnecessarily spreading the virus.”
- Coronavirus now a global pandemic as U.S., world scramble to control outbreak: Katie Zezima, Tim Craig, William Wan, and Felicia Sonmez at The Washington Post
- “The World Health Organization on Wednesday declared the coronavirus a global pandemic as countries and municipalities took increasingly dramatic measures to slow the spread of the deadly contagion, including President Trump’s announcement that he is sharply restricting travel to the United States from Europe for 30 days, beginning Friday at midnight.”
- Media Sensationalizing the Coronavirus: Narcissi Craig
- The media is irresponsibly sensationalizing the Coronavirus by leapfrogging over the facts into the saga. Mass media corporations are instigating fear, and politicizing the fallout. According to University of California, Irvine associate professor E. Alison Holman, the toilet paper push likely originated from articles about stocking up before the virus’s spread.
- Paranoid Times
- “On newspaper articles words dance. Reality and unreality collide on such a fundamental level that each becomes the other and anything is possible.”
- Virus Puts Media’s Hatred of President Trump on Full Display: Brandon Waltens at Texas Scorecard
- “And it’s all happening at the expense of the American people.”
- WHO declares novel coronavirus outbreak a pandemic: Jamie Gumbrecht and Jacqueline Howard at CNN
- "This is unprecedented," Dr. Tom Frieden, former director of the CDC, wrote in an article published on in February. "Other than influenza, no other respiratory virus has been tracked from emergence to continuous global spread.”
More COVID-19
- A disappointing COVID Summer of Death
- When the COVID summer of death failed to materialize, it challenged the religious faith of mask and vaccine fanatics.
- President Biden’s most anti-vax policy
- President Biden’s decision to magnify personal decisions within the medical community about the risks of the COVID vaccines signals that he’s either anti-vaccination or incredibly incompetent. Or both.
- It’s a mad, mad, mad, psychotic world
- It was once a sign of witchcraft to deny that witches exist. Today, it is a sign of madness to point out the madness of our COVID dogma.
- How to overcome vaccine hesitancy
- We need to take a lesson from Mark Twain. The best way to reinforce vaccine hesitancy is to force vaccinations. The best way to overcome vaccine hesitancy is to act as if vaccination is desirable.
- Gain-of-bureaucracy disease
- Bureaucracies do not admit they’re wrong; scientists are always trying to prove they’re wrong. Government funding is diametrically opposed to the advancement of science.
- Eight more pages with the topic COVID-19, and other related pages
More media frenzy
- The media’s Trump hatred causes mass murder
- The media’s desperate need to link Trump to all crimes may be encouraging mass murder.
- Showboat media and showboat killers
- Showboat killers share a very important trait with the news media: they both want to become the top news story, and neither really care why they’re talked about.
- How do we keep this from happening again?
- Whenever there’s a tragedy, there is a small cadre of people who frantically push solutions that never worked in the past and wouldn’t have stopped the current tragedy. They’re in a hurry to act before the facts come out that would let us craft a real response. Real prevention means solving real problems. That means waiting for the facts.
- ABC News: Toyota targeted Gabby Giffords!
- Diane Sawyer ABC News special claims Toyota targeted popular congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.
- Vicious intimidation by the extreme left
- And by “extreme”, I mean anyone who is trying to blame a peaceful conservative protest movement for the actions of a deranged madman. If you’re doing that, you’re extreme.
- One more page with the topic media frenzy, and other related pages
More New Barbarism
- Innovation in a state of fear: the unintended? consequences of political correctness
- Is political correctness poised to literally kill minorities as it may already have killed women, because scientists avoid critical research in order to avoid social media mobs?
- Barbarism and the Global Village
- If we don’t protect our borders, we don’t protect our civilization. When Rome let the barbarians in, they became barbarians.
- Money Changes Everything: Empowering the vicious
- Barbarism empowers the rich, the powerful, the vicious, the strong. Civilization empowers everyone else. Gun control and centralized economies, darlings of the progressive left, have empowered the vicious since the beginning of time. The beltway crowd prefers no competition from people free to barter, or free to defend themselves.
- The new barbarism: A return to feudalism
- The progressive left seems to have no concept of what civilization is, and of what undergirds civilization.
- Science by consensus is barbarism
- The scientific method is pure, distilled civilization. It is completely unnatural.
- 16 more pages with the topic New Barbarism, and other related pages