But the rhetoric’s so much better here under the tragedy!
At this point, it’s a pretty standard playlist. There’s a mass murder by someone who was enabled by the left’s policies. Most people voice their condolences and prayers on social media; but a handful on the left exploit the tragedy to call for more bad policies that wouldn’t have stopped the murderer to begin with but that would make it harder to defend against future murderers.
When other people complain that they’re politicizing a tragedy to pass bad laws, they rant that prayers and condolences aren’t enough. Ignoring the real charge that their proposed laws would at best not change the outcome, and at worst, would make these tragedies easier to commit.
In this case, an Islamic terrorist took his religion’s hatred to heart and killed nearly fifty in the gay community in a gun-free zone. The security contractor he worked for didn’t seriously investigate him when coworkers complained he was going to kill people for Islam, because they didn’t want to investigate a Muslim.
That would have appeared racist.
Omar Mateen told his coworkers that he wanted to provoke a confrontation with the police so that he could die a martyr’s death. His coworkers complained to their superiors and to the FBI. When the FBI interviewed him, his excuse was that he’d only said this because his coworkers were racist.
And it was accepted. The FBI closed the investigation and took him off the terror watch list.1 If they had left him on the watch list, they would have been warned when he purchased those two rifles, and could have taken another look at him.
But that would have appeared racist.
This is beginning to make The Black List look like a reality show. I love the show, but always thought the ease with which Red and his enemies infiltrate federal security services was completely unrealistic. I was wrong.
If we aren’t willing to investigate people who clearly need investigating for fear of looking racist, no gun control law will stop future terrorists from simply joining a security company and gaining access to weapons. And if Mateen had been investigated correctly, no gun control law would have been needed to stop this killing.
Once again, the left is cynically using a mass murder to push gun control schemes that wouldn’t have worked to stop this mass murder. He was an employee of a security contractor used by the federal government. He’d passed not just a normal background check but an actual investigation by the FBI; and he committed his murders in a gun-free zone.
They’re creating the ultimate gun law loophole: their laws make it harder for victims to defend themselves, and do nothing to stop more mass murders like this one. The left is in the position of the guy who loses his watch in the alley, and looks for it all night underneath the street lamp. The truth is, that guy wasn’t looking for his watch; he just needed an excuse for walking the street.
No matter where the problem is, the left always searches for the answer in making it harder for the law-abiding to defend themselves.
The left isn’t willing to accept the actual facts—Islamic extremists tell us they want to kill gays—and the left wants to ban guns anyway, so of course when an Islamic terrorist kills at a gay nightclub the left exploits it for more gun bans against law-abiding citizens, including those, such as the gay community, who are at risk from the left’s politically-correct policies.
The left proposes further disarming gays, and everyone else who doesn’t have ties to terrorist networks. It’s as if the left wants these murders to keep happening. Making it harder for everyone to buy guns except those with ties to terrorist networks or who infiltrate our security services will make it easier for terrorists to commit murders like this in the future.
By his ex-wife’s account, the terrorist hadn’t just internalized radical Islam’s hatred of gays, but also their disdain for women.
Refusing point-blank to recognize the nature of radical Islam’s hatreds also makes it easier for them to commit crimes like this in the future. The ACLU actually blamed the Christian right for radical Islam’s hatred of gays. The Christian right is not in control of Iran; the Christian right does not throw gays off of buildings in Iraq and Syria. The Christian right has not made homosexuality a death-penalty offense in a dozen Muslim countries.
The ACLU has come completely unhinged. They don’t want to stop murders like this. They act as if they want more of them.
Refusing to investigate a security guard because they’re Muslim will allow any future terrorists to easily bypass any laws making it harder for the patrons of gay bars to defend themselves. Security guards are exempt from many gun control laws, partly because Democrats don’t want to disarm their own security, and partly because they have to undergo background checks when they get their security credentials, which Omar Mateen had done. The left knows that their proposed “reforms” will do nothing to stop future Omar Mateens. But it will stop future victims from taking action to not be a victim in the next attack.

A Muslim terrorist infiltrated a DHS security contractor and killed 49 in the gay community in a gun-free zone. The left proposes denying the gay community the right to defend themselves.
The left acts as if they just want to keep hanging out under the streetlight of anti-Christian and anti-gun leftism.
They act as if they’ve chosen Muslim extremism over the lives of the gay community, women, and everyone else who is being targeted by radical Islam.
If a white male had said and done the things Mateen did leading up to this murder, but in the context of a KKK-style group, the investigation would not have stopped—nor should it have been—just because he alleged anti-white harassment on the part of his colleagues. These are the wages of political correctness. Ignoring what radical Islam already does throughout the world. Ignoring what one Muslim told his coworkers he was going to do. It is another form of soft bigotry that turns out to not be so soft after all.
But it is what the left thrives on. It’s just another tragedy to exploit while a nation grieves.
- The left tells us they want to ban everyone who is secretly on the national watchlist from buying guns, but this murderer wasn’t on the watchlist, which is easy to get on and difficult to get off. If he had been, current law already says that the FBI would have been notified that he was buying weapons. One would hope that if someone who has actually been investigated twice purchases two rifles, the FBI would immediately investigate again. But of course, that wouldn’t allow the left to call for more gun control.
- The left wants to make it harder for the average citizen to purchase weapons, but this murderer was employed by a security contractor, and had access to weapons through his employment.
They’re not targeting murderers. They’re targeting victims. Because that’s where the political light is.
In response to U.S. homicide rate compared to gun control measures: Extrano’s Alley lists the U.S. homicide rate from 1885 to 1940, and somebody else puts it into a chart.
I emphasized that because for most people, it is notoriously difficult, if not impossible, to get yourself removed from the watch list even when you’re there accidentally. This actual terrorist was removed without his even asking.
background checks
- As Obama, GOP Spar Over Gun Control and No-Fly List, What You Need to Know: Josh Siegel
- “All of this raises the question: What is the no-fly-list, and the wider terrorist watch list, and why is it necessary?”
- Florida Gun Store Owner Schools Media on How Buying a Gun Works in Press Conference: Nicholas Fondacaro at NewsBusters
- “This man held multiple security licenses. He had an armed and unarmed license… A full background check was performed by Florida department of law enforcement with the coordination and agreement of the FBI… There is no such thing as an abbreviated back ground check, even though that has been wrongly reported.” (Memeorandum thread)
- Notes on the Orlando mass murderer: David T. Hardy at Of Arms and the Law
- “So he passed (we may hope) some very tight background checks, and had a status that would have exempted him from most gun laws. (Even in DC, licensed security guards can carry.)”
- The one true gun law loophole
- The only true gun law loophole is that criminals are willing to break the law. Law-abiding victims are not. Gun laws disarm victims but do not disarm murderers.
gay rights
- Cruz: Every American must unite to halt ISIL: Kristen East at Politico
- “If you’re a Democratic politician and you really want to stand for LGBT, show real courage and stand up against the vicious ideology that has targeted our fellow Americans for murder,” he said. (Memeorandum thread)
- A Google Map of LGBT-Friendly Firearms Instructors: Erin Palette at Lurking Rhythmically
- “I never want to see my friends trapped unarmed and terrified in a situation like the one in Orlando, begging for their lives and saying “goodbye” to their loved ones while waiting to die. I want you to have the tools to at least fight back against the prejudice and hate you face. I want you to live to see hatred and bigotry eradicated from this world. I want you to have a chance.”
- The Left Has Got To Choose Between Gay Rights or Islam at Breitbart
- “There are eleven Muslim countries in which I could be killed for being a homosexual. The state penalty is death… This is mainstream Muslim society. Look what’s happening in Sweden. Look what’s happening anywhere in Germany, anywhere there are large influxes of a Muslim population. Things don’t end well for women and gays. The left has got to make a decision. Either they want female emancipation and it wants gay rights or it wants Islam. It’s got to pick…”
- Pink Pistols Saddened by Attack on Orlando Club at Pink Pistols
- “Patton’s concerns are that knee-jerk gun-control efforts may make preventing future events harder rather than easier, as only the law-abiding potential victims will be affected by such laws. ‘It is difficult, if not impossible, to foresee such an event,’ continues Patton, ‘But if they cannot be prevented, then they must be stopped as fast as someone tries to start them.’” (Memeorandum thread)
- An Untraditional War: We can’t stop ISIL-inspired massacres if we deny we’re fighting Islam’s jihadist strain.: Glenn Reynolds and Alex Pournelle at Instapundit
- “We, the West, used to be very good at exporting ideas, classical liberal ideals, personal freedom, actual tolerance. We don’t, any longer. (Hollywood has shown it can still export ideas, but not so much ones supporting freedom or classical western values.)”
institutional Left
- ACLU lawyers blame ‘Christian right,’ GOP for Orlando terrorist attack: Joel Gehrke
- “Christian conservatives are responsible for the mass shooting at a gay bar in Orlando because they ‘created this anti-queer climate,’ according to American Civil Liberties Union attorneys.” (Memeorandum thread)
- Obama: ‘We’ are to blame, not Islamic terrorism, for massacre: John Podhoretz at The New York Post
- “Omar Mateen called the cops to pledge his fealty to ISIS as he was carrying out his mass murder in Orlando early Sunday. Twelve hours later, the president of the United States declared that ‘we have no definitive assessment on the motivation” of Omar Mateen but that ‘we know he was a person filled with hate.’” (Memeorandum thread) (Hat tip to Sarah Hoyt at Instapundit)
- Dem rep: Orlando shooter ‘made pledge of allegiance’ to ISIS: Rebecca Savransky
- “Schiff said the LGBT community is often a target of ISIS. The attack at the gay Orlando nightclub, which killed 50 people, occurred during LGBT Pride Month. ‘We’ve seen horrific reports over the last couple of years of gruesome killings of gay and LGBT people in Syria and Iraq, thrown off the top of buildings.’” (Memeorandum thread)
- Has ISIS Infiltrated Homeland Security? Orlando Terrorist Worked for Major DHS Contractor: Paul Sperry
- “Orlando nightclub terrorist worked for major DHS contractor that secures ’90 percent of U.S. nuclear facilities.’”
- Omar Mateen worked for company that provides security to federal buildings: John Hinderaker at Power Line
- “Rather than talking about keeping guns out of the hands of people who shouldn’t have them, how about a narrower focus on how we can insure that jihadists are not hired to provide security at federal buildings, airports and nuclear power plants?” (Memeorandum thread)
political correctness
- Co-worker: Omar Mateen homophobic, ‘unhinged’: Anthony Westbury, Nicole Rodriquez, and Elliot Jones
- “Gilroy, a former Fort Pierce police officer, said Mateen frequently made homophobic and racial comments. Gilroy said he complained to his employer several times but it did nothing because he was Muslim. Gilroy quit after he said Mateen began stalking him via multiple text messages—20 or 30 a day. He also sent Gilroy 13 to 15 phone messages a day, he said.” (Memeorandum thread) (Hat tip to Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit)
- The FBI and the Mass Murderer: Mike Rappaport at Law & Liberty
- “The problem is that the second questioning, even if the contact was limited, served to confirm the first questioning. It should have now been clear that [he] did have contacts with terrorists. Even if one did not reach that conclusion, there were now two pieces of evidence against him that should have been combined.”
- On Sky News last night, I realized how far some will go to ignore homophobia: Owen Jones
- Owen, if they admit that it was against gays, they’ll have to tie that to Islamic extremism. They aren’t going to. They’ve chosen terrorists over you.
More gun control
- The Uplifters vs. the Forgotten Man
- From H.L. Mencken in the Baltimore Evening Sun, November 30, 1925.
- The left doesn’t believe red flag laws stop crime
- If the left believed that red flag laws target criminals, they wouldn’t take the guns. They’d take the criminals. Red flag laws are designed to be abused.
- Why do gun owners think the left wants to take our guns?
- Gun owners think the left wants to take away guns because the left keeps refusing commonsense gun laws in favor of laws that ban guns.
- Civil rights vs. showboat killers
- If we want to take away people’s civil rights to stop the showboat killers that seem to have proliferated since Columbine, is it worth it?
- The Vicious Cycle of Mass Murders
- We now know what went wrong. Let’s ignore the ghouls on Facebook and fix it.
- Nine more pages with the topic gun control, and other related pages
More institutional Left
- The left’s hatred of business is a lie
- The left doesn’t hate business. They hate you and me.
- Roundup of Reactions to the Democrat’s Latest Corrupt Lawfare
- There can be no comity in the face of corruption the size of New York’s and DC’s. Lawfare is war, and it must be treated like war.
- Why does the Institutional Left hate Israel so much?
- The institutional Left doesn’t hate only Israel. They hate any ethnic group that rebels against enslavement by the Left.
- Illinois Nazis and Lincoln’s Democrats
- An anecdote about other people’s money and other people’s time that I’ve had sitting around for a while.
- On education, the left is mired in the fifties
- Why don’t schools have locked doors? Because when it comes to education, especially K-12, the left, as in so many things, is mired in the distant industrialized assembly-line past.
- 17 more pages with the topic institutional Left, and other related pages
More Islam
- Handmaid’s Tale experiences backlash over handling of religion
- Fans of Margaret Atwood’s new television show turn against the series after revelations the story is a metaphor for Islam’s treatment of women.
- Republicans and America must provide an alternative
- If America does not provide an alternative to the evils of progressivism gone awry in the world, it is lost.
More political correctness
- How the left transformed vulgarity into courage and elected Donald Trump
- When you lose to Donald Trump, look inward, because it isn’t Donald Trump’s fault. The establishment left, especially the media, attacked Donald Trump just like he was Joe the Plumber. But Donald Trump has the platform to attack back. Doing so took courage, and the Plumbers of America recognized that.
More soft bigotry
- The left says gays are pedophiles
- April is national Child Abuse Prevention Month, and the Left seems to be taking every opportunity to mainstream child abuse. Like every other vulnerable community the Left claims to support, the Left believes that gays and the LGBT community are inferior and criminal.
- Mitt Romney Day 2021: The West Side Left
- Coronavirus Calvinball? Only some black lives matter? Riots are protests and protests are riots? Who shall win the coveted Mitt Romney Day Award for 2021?
- The Reader revisits Reverend King’s Meloncollie Dream
- Hark Thrice the Walkerville Weekly Reader’s columnist emeritus, recalls Martin Luther King, Jr.’s most important speech on its 55th anniversary. All animals are created peaceful… but some are more peaceful than others.
- Dr. Frank N. Furter: the left’s answer to transgender bathrooms
- The left thinks transgenders are murderous, cannialistic rapists. And they approve.
More terrorism
- Europe, the West, and the graphs of destruction
- The solution to the graphs of destruction is the graph of freedom.
- Exclusive: Garland gunman’s Fast & Furious firearm form
- Garland, Texas, gunman Nadir Soofi purchased at least one firearm through the Obama administrations Fast and Furious program for arming drug lords, according to Justice Department sources.
More vulnerable
- Money Changes Everything: Empowering the vicious
- Barbarism empowers the rich, the powerful, the vicious, the strong. Civilization empowers everyone else. Gun control and centralized economies, darlings of the progressive left, have empowered the vicious since the beginning of time. The beltway crowd prefers no competition from people free to barter, or free to defend themselves.
- Handmaid’s Tale experiences backlash over handling of religion
- Fans of Margaret Atwood’s new television show turn against the series after revelations the story is a metaphor for Islam’s treatment of women.
- Insecurity Questions enable harassment and abuse
- Insecurity questions are designed specifically to let someone who does not have your password access your account without having to talk to a human. The idea is that that person will be you after you forget your password, but the computer does not care. Anyone or anything with that information can access your account.
- Allow men to impersonate exes, transgender activists say
- Some transgender activists want banks to reduce the security on bank accounts, enabling abusive exes to access their victims’ bank accounts.